Obfuscator for .NET 8

In this article, we will demonstrate how to install and use the .NET obfuscator for .NET 8.



Obfuscation helps safeguard valuable intellectual property by making it difficult for reverse engineers or attackers to understand and steal the underlying code. It obscures the logic, algorithms, and structures of your application, making it harder to reverse engineer or extract sensitive information.

Without obfuscation, a .NET application is easy to decode. This means that anyone can view your code, including human-readable names of types and methods, string literals, and embedded resources.

There are several tools that can decompile a compiled assembly and generate C# code from it. Deploying a .NET application without obfuscation essentially means that you are making your code available to the public domain.

Getting Started

First, ensure that you have installed .NET 8. If you don’t have it, install it from the Microsoft website at: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/8.0

To begin, open a terminal and create a new folder named “DotNet8ObfuscationSample” for your project. Navigate into the folder and create a new console application using the following command:

dotnet new console --use-program-main

This command will provide you with the basic structure of a console application, which you can then build and run.

ArmDot is a cross-platform .NET obfuscator written in .NET and can work on any platform that supports .NET, such as Windows, macOS, or Linux. For this tutorial, it doesn’t matter which platform you choose.

You don’t need to install ArmDot separately for this tutorial as you will see that ArmDot can be used through its NuGet packages. However, it’s worth noting that ArmDot also provides a console tool that can be utilized in certain scenarios.

Now, let’s add two ArmDot packages to the project

Type the following command to add the ArmDot.Engine.MSBuildTasks package:

dotnet add package ArmDot.Engine.MSBuildTasks

Next, add the ArmDot.Client package by typing the following command:

dotnet add package ArmDot.Client

These packages serve different purposes. ArmDot.Engine.MSBuildTasks includes a task for obfuscation that will be triggered during the project build. On the other hand, ArmDot.Client provides a range of attributes that instruct the obfuscator about the specific obfuscation techniques to employ.

Let’s explore the obfuscation techniques that are available and learn how to enable them using obfuscation attributes.

Basic Concepts

It is important to understand the key concepts and terms related to obfuscation and the typical code obfuscation techniques used in an obfuscator.

Obfuscation is a technique used to modify the binary code of software in order to make it difficult for humans to understand or reverse engineer it. It is especially important for .NET, as a .NET assembly stores code in a well-readable format and also contains metadata such as the names of classes, methods, fields, and others. These names are taken by the compiler from your code and they hold meaning. All of this information provides a lot of knowledge about how your software works.

Along with an explanation of each technique, you will see how to enable it in your code using obfuscation attributes. These obfuscation attributes reside in ArmDot.Client and, like any other attributes, can be applied to different items such as an assembly, a type, a method, or a field. When ArmDot obfuscates an assembly, it looks at the obfuscation attributes and applies the specified obfuscation techniques to the corresponding items. After that, the obfuscation attributes are removed.

If an obfuscation attribute is applied to the entire assembly, it means that the corresponding obfuscation technique will be applied to the entire assembly. For example, to enable names obfuscation for the entire assembly, you can use the following attribute:

[assembly: ArmDot.Client.ObfuscateNamesAttribute()]

However, you can also use the attributes selectively. For instance, you can mark a specific class or method when you only want the obfuscation to be applied to them. Here’s an example:

public class SomePublicType
    // The method will be obfuscated using control flow obfuscation because the attribute is specified explicitly for it
    public void Method()

So what can a modern .NET obfuscator offer? The first approach, called name obfuscation, involves renaming classes, methods, and other elements to random or meaningless names. This ensures that nobody can understand what a particular method is doing just by looking at its name.

To enable name obfuscation, use [ArmDot.Client.ObfuscateNames].

The second approach is control flow obfuscation, a technique used to make the logical flow of a program more difficult to understand. It involves modifying the structure of control flow statements, such as loops and conditionals, within the code. The objective is to create a convoluted execution path that is challenging for reverse engineers to decipher the original program logic. Control flow obfuscation commonly includes adding extra conditional statements, jumps, or rearranging the instruction order to create confusion and hinder analysis.

You can enable control flow obfuscation by specifying [ArmDot.Client.ObfuscateControlFlowAttribute].

While control flow obfuscation views a method as a collection of instructions with conditional and unconditional transitions, the third and strongest obfuscation technique, known as virtualization, treats a method as a set of individual instructions. Each original instruction is encoded into an internal representation and then executed by a unique virtual machine. Think of the virtual machine as an interpreter specifically designed for these new instructions, which ultimately produces the same result as the original method.

To enable virtualization, use [ArmDot.Client.VirtualizeCodeAttribute].

The .NET compiler inserts string literals into the binary code as they are; however, to obscure these strings, you can utilize string encryption techniques. This involves converting the instructions that involve strings into small programs that generate the same strings during runtime.

To secure string literals, use [ArmDot.Client.HideStringsAttribute].

Embedded resources in .NET offer a flexible and efficient way to bundle necessary files with an application, enhancing portability and ease of use. However, a challenge arises as the content of such resources is vulnerable to extraction and even replacement. To address this concern, embedded resource protection is a technique that involves encrypting the original embedded resources. Only when the application requires them at runtime, they are decrypted and made available.

To protect embedded resources, use [assembly: ArmDot.Client.ProtectEmbeddedResourcesAttribute()]; this attribute is always applied to the entire assembly.

Let’s learn how to enable the obfuscation task for MSBuild.


Open DotNet8ObfuscationSample.csproj and add the following code to enable the obfuscation task:

<Target Name="Protect" AfterTargets="AfterCompile" BeforeTargets="BeforePublish">
     <Assemblies Include="$(ProjectDir)$(IntermediateOutputPath)$(TargetFileName)" />

ArmDot.Engine.MSBuildTasks.ObfuscateTask is the name of the obfuscation task provided by ArmDot.Engine.MSBuildTasks, which was added earlier. This task is launched by MSBuild right after the compiler places the assembly in the intermediate directory.

You can enable obfuscation for the Release build only by adding the following code:

<Target Name="Protect" AfterTargets="AfterCompile" BeforeTargets="BeforePublish"
  Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
     <Assemblies Include="$(ProjectDir)$(IntermediateOutputPath)$(TargetFileName)" />

Rebuild the project to check if ArmDot is doing its job.

So we have learned that to enable obfuscation, you need to add the obfuscation task and use obfuscation attributes in your code.

Now let’s add some code to the project. The goal is to check entered passwords and display whether they are valid or not.

Open Program.cs and add the following code to display the hash of the entered string:

using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;

namespace DotNet8ObfuscationSample;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var password = Console.ReadLine();
        var hash = Convert.ToBase64String(new SHA256Managed().ComputeHash(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(password)));


Build and run the project, then type “ArmDot”. You will see the following hash:


Now that we know the hash for the correct password, let’s update the code:

using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;

namespace DotNet8ObfuscationSample;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var password = Console.ReadLine();
        bool valid = Convert.ToBase64String(new SHA256Managed().ComputeHash(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(password))) ==

        Console.WriteLine(valid ? "Valid" : "Not valid");

Build and run the project to ensure it is working correctly.

Obfuscation Techniques

What problems do we have in this code? Well, if you open the compiled assembly (e.g. in ILSpy), you will see that the logic of the application is clear and the hash string can be seen by anyone:

	// {
	IL_0000: nop
	// string s = Console.ReadLine();
	IL_0001: call string [System.Console]System.Console::ReadLine()
	IL_0006: stloc.0
	// Console.WriteLine((Convert.ToBase64String(new SHA256Managed().ComputeHash(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(s))) == "UWAJli2SM8nuFmfp0YdrJ+SrFk7a1QuDRxHxtHYJo/k=") ? "Valid" : "Not valid");
	IL_0007: newobj instance void [System.Security.Cryptography]System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed::.ctor()
	IL_000c: call class [System.Runtime]System.Text.Encoding [System.Runtime]System.Text.Encoding::get_Unicode()
	IL_0011: ldloc.0
	IL_0012: callvirt instance uint8[] [System.Runtime]System.Text.Encoding::GetBytes(string)
	IL_0017: call instance uint8[] [System.Security.Cryptography]System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm::ComputeHash(uint8[])
	IL_001c: call string [System.Runtime]System.Convert::ToBase64String(uint8[])
	IL_0021: ldstr "UWAJli2SM8nuFmfp0YdrJ+SrFk7a1QuDRxHxtHYJo/k="
	IL_0026: call bool [System.Runtime]System.String::op_Equality(string, string)
	IL_002b: stloc.1
	// (no C# code)
	IL_002c: ldloc.1
	IL_002d: brtrue.s IL_0036

	IL_002f: ldstr "Not valid"
	IL_0034: br.s IL_003b

	IL_0036: ldstr "Valid"

	IL_003b: call void [System.Console]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
	// }
	IL_0040: nop
	IL_0041: ret
} // end of method Program::Main

Well, this method is not computationally intensive, so it’s a good idea to virtualize it.

Add the attribute and rebuild the project:

using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;

namespace DotNet8ObfuscationSample;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var password = Console.ReadLine();
        bool valid = Convert.ToBase64String(new SHA256Managed().ComputeHash(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(password))) ==

        Console.WriteLine(valid ? "Valid" : "Not valid");

Reopen the assembly in ILSpy and double-check (I’ve enabled the “C#” mode, so you can view the C# code that ILSpy generated during decompilation):

using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;

private unsafe static void Main(string[] args)
	//The blocks IL_00b1, IL_00c5, IL_00f3, IL_0101, IL_010f, IL_0122, IL_0130, IL_0143, IL_0151, IL_0164, IL_0172, IL_018f, IL_019d, IL_01ba, IL_01c8, IL_01db, IL_01e9, IL_0206, IL_0214, IL_022c, IL_023a, IL_0257, IL_0265, IL_0278, IL_0286, IL_0299, IL_02a7, IL_02c4, IL_02d2, IL_02ef, IL_02fd, IL_0310, IL_031e, IL_033b, IL_0349, IL_0361, IL_036f, IL_0393, IL_03e0, IL_041f, IL_046c, IL_04b9, IL_0500, IL_0581, IL_0602, IL_0661, IL_0681, IL_06d1, IL_06df, IL_070f, IL_0745, IL_07cc, IL_0816, IL_0872, IL_08e3, IL_08fb, IL_0945 are reachable both inside and outside the pinned region starting at IL_000a. ILSpy has duplicated these blocks in order to place them both within and outside the `fixed` statement.
	int num3;
	byte[] array;
	object[] array2;
	sbyte[] array5;
	long[] array7;
	object[] array8;
	byte* ptr;
	int num5 = default(int);
	int num6 = default(int);
	object[] array9;
	int num7;
	byte* num8;
	ref sbyte reference;
	byte* num10;
	int num11;
	byte* ptr2;
	fixed (byte[] array10 = new byte[90])
		int num = 1;
		int num2 = *(sbyte*)(&num);
		num3 = num2 * 4;
		int num4 = num2 * 8;
		array = new byte[3];
		array2 = new object[3];
		int[] array3 = new int[3];
		sbyte[] array4 = new sbyte[1];
		fixed (sbyte[] array12 = array4)
			array5 = array4;
			long[] array6 = new long[3];
			fixed (long[] array11 = array6)
				array7 = array6;
				array8 = new object[1];
				ptr = (byte*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref AssemblyConfigurationAttributeTraceGuidQueryProcess.SortKeyMediaNext);
				ptr2 = ptr;
				byte* ptr3 = ptr2;
				while (true)
					if (num5 == 1)
					ptr3 = ptr2;
					byte b = *ptr2;
					if (b < 1 || b > 17)
					if (9 >= b)
						if (9 > b)
							if (4 >= b)
								if (4 > b)
									if (2 >= b)
										if (2 > b)
											if (1 >= b && 1 > b)
											array[num6] = 5;
											array2[num6] = ((delegate*<string>)getAssemblyReferenceSectionComConversionLossAttribute[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)])();
											ptr2 += 8;
									else if (3 >= b && 3 <= b)
										array8[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)] = array2[num6 - 1];
										ptr2 += 8;
									array[num6] = 5;
									array2[num6] = ((delegate*<SHA256Managed>)getAssemblyReferenceSectionComConversionLossAttribute[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)])();
									ptr2 += 8;
							else if (6 >= b)
								if (6 > b)
									if (5 >= b && 5 <= b)
										array[num6] = 5;
										array2[num6] = ((delegate*<Encoding>)getAssemblyReferenceSectionComConversionLossAttribute[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)])();
										ptr2 += 8;
									array[num6] = 5;
									array2[num6] = array8[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)];
									ptr2 += 8;
							else if (7 >= b)
								if (7 <= b)
									array[num6 - 2] = 5;
									array2[num6 - 2] = ((delegate*<Encoding, string, byte[]>)getAssemblyReferenceSectionComConversionLossAttribute[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)])((Encoding)array2[num6 - 2], (string)array2[num6 - 1]);
									ptr2 += 8;
							else if (8 >= b && 8 <= b)
								array[num6 - 2] = 5;
								array2[num6 - 2] = ((delegate*<HashAlgorithm, byte[], byte[]>)getAssemblyReferenceSectionComConversionLossAttribute[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)])((SHA256Managed)array2[num6 - 2], (byte[])array2[num6 - 1]);
								ptr2 += 8;
							array[num6 - 1] = 5;
							array2[num6 - 1] = ((delegate*<byte[], string>)getAssemblyReferenceSectionComConversionLossAttribute[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)])((byte[])array2[num6 - 1]);
							ptr2 += 8;
					else if (13 >= b)
						if (13 > b)
							if (11 >= b)
								if (11 > b)
									if (10 >= b && 10 <= b)
										array9 = array2;
										num7 = num6;
										if (array10 == null)
										num8 = ptr2;
										byte b2 = *num8;
										ptr2 = num8 + 4;
										int num9 = *(int*)(ptr2 + num3);
										ptr2 += 8;
										byte* ptr4 = ptr2 + num9;
										byte* ptr5 = (byte*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref array10[0]);
										while (ptr2 != ptr4)
											*ptr5 = (byte)(*ptr2 ^ b2);
										array9[num7] = new string((char*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref array10[0]));
										array[num6] = 5;
									array[num6 - 2] = 0;
									*(int*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref array7[num6 - 2]) = (((delegate*<string, string, bool>)getAssemblyReferenceSectionComConversionLossAttribute[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)])((string)array2[num6 - 2], (string)array2[num6 - 1]) ? 1 : 0);
									ptr2 += 8;
							else if (12 >= b && 12 <= b)
								reference = ref array5[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)];
								reference = (sbyte)(*(int*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref array7[num6 - 1]));
								ptr2 += 8;
							array[num6] = 0;
							*(int*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref array7[num6]) = array5[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)];
							array2[num6] = null;
							ptr2 += 8;
					else if (15 >= b)
						if (15 > b)
							if (14 >= b && 14 <= b)
								ptr2 = (((*(int*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref array7[num6 - 1]) == 0) ? 1 : 0) + -1) * -1 * (*(int*)(ptr2 + num3) - *(int*)(ptr2 + 8 + num3)) + *(int*)(ptr2 + 8 + num3) + ptr;
							ptr2 = ptr + *(int*)(ptr2 + num3);
					else if (16 >= b)
						if (16 <= b)
							((delegate*<string, void>)getAssemblyReferenceSectionComConversionLossAttribute[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)])((string)array2[num6 - 1]);
							ptr2 += 8;
					else if (17 >= b && 17 <= b)
						num10 = ptr2;
						num11 = global::<Module>.EndThreadAffinityIAsyncResult - 17;
						num5 = 1;
						ptr2 = num10 + num11;
	while (true)
		array10 = new byte[90];
			num8 = ptr2;
			byte b2 = *num8;
			ptr2 = num8 + 4;
			int num9 = *(int*)(ptr2 + num3);
			ptr2 += 8;
			byte* ptr4 = ptr2 + num9;
			byte* ptr5 = (byte*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref array10[0]);
			while (ptr2 != ptr4)
				*ptr5 = (byte)(*ptr2 ^ b2);
			array9[num7] = new string((char*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref array10[0]));
			array[num6] = 5;
			while (true)
				if (num5 == 1)
				byte* ptr3 = ptr2;
				byte b = *ptr2;
				if (b < 1 || b > 17)
				if (9 >= b)
					if (9 > b)
						if (4 >= b)
							if (4 > b)
								if (2 >= b)
									if (2 > b)
										if (1 >= b && 1 > b)
										array[num6] = 5;
										array2[num6] = ((delegate*<string>)getAssemblyReferenceSectionComConversionLossAttribute[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)])();
										ptr2 += 8;
								else if (3 >= b && 3 <= b)
									array8[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)] = array2[num6 - 1];
									ptr2 += 8;
								array[num6] = 5;
								array2[num6] = ((delegate*<SHA256Managed>)getAssemblyReferenceSectionComConversionLossAttribute[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)])();
								ptr2 += 8;
						else if (6 >= b)
							if (6 > b)
								if (5 >= b && 5 <= b)
									array[num6] = 5;
									array2[num6] = ((delegate*<Encoding>)getAssemblyReferenceSectionComConversionLossAttribute[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)])();
									ptr2 += 8;
								array[num6] = 5;
								array2[num6] = array8[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)];
								ptr2 += 8;
						else if (7 >= b)
							if (7 <= b)
								array[num6 - 2] = 5;
								array2[num6 - 2] = ((delegate*<Encoding, string, byte[]>)getAssemblyReferenceSectionComConversionLossAttribute[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)])((Encoding)array2[num6 - 2], (string)array2[num6 - 1]);
								ptr2 += 8;
						else if (8 >= b && 8 <= b)
							array[num6 - 2] = 5;
							array2[num6 - 2] = ((delegate*<HashAlgorithm, byte[], byte[]>)getAssemblyReferenceSectionComConversionLossAttribute[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)])((SHA256Managed)array2[num6 - 2], (byte[])array2[num6 - 1]);
							ptr2 += 8;
						array[num6 - 1] = 5;
						array2[num6 - 1] = ((delegate*<byte[], string>)getAssemblyReferenceSectionComConversionLossAttribute[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)])((byte[])array2[num6 - 1]);
						ptr2 += 8;
				else if (13 >= b)
					if (13 > b)
						if (11 >= b)
							if (11 > b)
								if (10 >= b && 10 <= b)
								array[num6 - 2] = 0;
								*(int*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref array7[num6 - 2]) = (((delegate*<string, string, bool>)getAssemblyReferenceSectionComConversionLossAttribute[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)])((string)array2[num6 - 2], (string)array2[num6 - 1]) ? 1 : 0);
								ptr2 += 8;
						else if (12 >= b && 12 <= b)
							reference = ref array5[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)];
							reference = (sbyte)(*(int*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref array7[num6 - 1]));
							ptr2 += 8;
						array[num6] = 0;
						*(int*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref array7[num6]) = array5[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)];
						array2[num6] = null;
						ptr2 += 8;
				else if (15 >= b)
					if (15 > b)
						if (14 >= b && 14 <= b)
							ptr2 = (((*(int*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref array7[num6 - 1]) == 0) ? 1 : 0) + -1) * -1 * (*(int*)(ptr2 + num3) - *(int*)(ptr2 + 8 + num3)) + *(int*)(ptr2 + 8 + num3) + ptr;
						ptr2 = ptr + *(int*)(ptr2 + num3);
				else if (16 >= b)
					if (16 <= b)
						((delegate*<string, void>)getAssemblyReferenceSectionComConversionLossAttribute[*(int*)(ptr2 + num3)])((string)array2[num6 - 1]);
						ptr2 += 8;
				else if (17 >= b && 17 <= b)
					num10 = ptr2;
					num11 = global::<Module>.EndThreadAffinityIAsyncResult - 17;
					num5 = 1;
					ptr2 = num10 + num11;
			array9 = array2;
			num7 = num6;
		while (array10 != null);

Do you understand what’s happening in this code?! All I can say is that there is a significant amount of memory manipulation and variable operations happening within a large loop…

This showcases what the obfuscator is capable of doing to a single method. Now, imagine the same transformation occurring with hundreds and hundreds of your methods! Good luck, hackers, as it will take you quite some time to decode these millions of lines.


You have learned about obfuscation techniques and how to apply them to your code, as well as how to enable obfuscation tasks for all or specific build configurations.

The importance of using an obfuscator for .NET applications cannot be overstated. Obfuscation plays a crucial role in protecting sensitive information and intellectual property, especially in today’s digital landscape where cyber threats are on the rise.

By obfuscating .NET applications, developers can make reverse engineering and tampering attempts more challenging for would-be attackers. This is especially critical for commercial software, where revealing source code or algorithms can lead to significant financial losses or unauthorized replication.

Obfuscation techniques such as renaming identifiers, obfuscating control flow, and hiding important code structures help to obscure the original intent of the software. This makes it more difficult for attackers to understand the underlying logic and extract valuable information.

Furthermore, obfuscation provides an additional layer of defense against vulnerability exploitation. By obfuscating code, developers can make it harder for attackers to identify and exploit security weaknesses or insert malicious code.

Protecting software integrity is also essential for maintaining user trust. Users expect their applications to be secure, and obfuscation ensures that sensitive data and functionalities are safeguarded from prying eyes. This helps prevent unauthorized access or manipulation of critical features, enhancing the overall security and reliability of the application.

Additionally, from a legal standpoint, obfuscation can help protect the intellectual property of the software developers. By making it difficult to understand and replicate the code, obfuscation acts as a deterrent against copyright infringement and unauthorized distribution of the application.

In conclusion, the use of an obfuscator for .NET applications is vital for safeguarding sensitive information, protecting intellectual property, and maintaining the integrity and security of the software. It serves as a significant defensive measure against reverse engineering, tampering attempts, and potential cyber threats. Embracing obfuscation not only provides a more robust and secure application but also instills trust among users and helps preserve the developers’ rights in a highly competitive digital environment.